This form sets out all the decisions that you can make to control the development of your company.
It is essential that you ensure the accuracy of the information that you enter on your decision form. Once the decision form has been processed, you cannot change your mind.
Here are some simple, basic points to watch.
- Where decisions can be positive or negative you must put a plus or minus sign. If you leave this sign blank the field will be entered as positive.
- If you wish to make a nil decision, enter a zero.
- If you enter a number which is not acceptable in terms of the current simulation (for example, trying to sell two machines when you only own one), the computer will replace the wrong entry by the nearest acceptable value. Also some decisions you try to implement may not succeed, e.g. you may try to recruit five workers and only get three. Errors or differences of these types will be indicated by *
- A table gives the units, and the upper and lower limits, for each item that can be entered on the decision form (and also its default value).
Before the start of the simulation, your team will have been allocated to a group of teams within which you will compete, and given a group and company number, and an identification code number. You must enter these numbers on all your decision forms. If you contact the simulation controller you must quote these numbers, so that your identity can be verified.
You must also enter the next year and quarter. Please remember to use the quarters for the simulation, not the real-life ones, and remember that quarter '1' follows quarter '4'.